
Saturday 11 June 2016

11th June, St Barnabas, Apostle

St. Barnabas, Apostle

The Church, founded by Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, was to spread throughout the world. When St. Paul, after his long retreat in Arabia, came to Jerusalem for the first time after his conversion, and wished to submit to the approval of Peter the mission to the Gentiles committed to him by the Master Himself, it was St. Barnabas who presented him to the apostles.

"A good man and full of the Holy Ghost" (Epistle), St. Barnabas evangelized, during twelve years, with St. Paul, the pagans in the island of Cyprus and in a great number of towns and countries (Gradual). Wherefore the Church honours him as an apostle and the liturgy applies to him the words of Jesus announcing to the twelve that having been established as princes over the whole earth (Offertory), they would be seated on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Communion). Having separated from St. Paul, he returned to Cyprus where the Jews of Salamis plotted against him. Remembering then the words of the Master who sent His apostles like sheep in the midst of wolves (Gospel), he said to the faithful: "The wolf only attacks the shepherd first to throw himself next upon the flock. Be firm in the faith." The Holy Ghost dictated to him the words he had to say to the Jews (Gospel): but they stoned him as a blasphemer. He was buried with the Gospel of St. Matthew which he had copied with his own hand. His name is mentioned in the Canon of the Mass immediately after that of St. Matthias (second list).

Let us imitate the apostolic spirit of St. Barnabas whose soul was all inflamed with the Holy Ghost.

Mihi autem nimis honorati sunt amici tui, Deus: nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. * Domine, probasti me, et cognovisti me: tu cognovisti sessionem meam, et resurrectionem meam.
To me Thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable: their principality is exceedingly strengthened. * Lord, Thou hast proved me, and known me; Thou hast known my sitting down and my rising up.
(Psalm 138:17,1-2 from the Introit of Mass).

Deus, qui nos beati Barnabae Apostoli tui meritis et intercessione laetificas: concede propitius; ut, qui tua per eum beneficia poscimus, dono tuae gratiae consequamur. 
O God, who givest us joy by the merits and intercession of blessed Barnabas, Thy apostle, mercifully grant that we, who beg blessings of Thee through him, may obtain them by the gift of Thy grace.

From the Catholic Encyclopaedia: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02300a.htm

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