Further details are available on the Rorate Coeli blog.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.
His site is valuable for providing the texts for the daily office and for the mass, both in Latin and English (and Hungarian), and in several different versions. I've personally used it as an easy and accessible way of saying the Breviary in the two versions I use most commonly i.e. the immediately pre-1911 and immediately post-1911 forms. By providing 6 different versions of the office, from Monastic pre-Tridentine through to 1960 newcalendar, it was possible to see clearly the evolution of the office over that period.
It would appear from the Rorate Coeli blog that a new home has been found for the website.
May Mr Kiss rest in peace, and may his work on earth continue.