A Meditation from 'Nova et Vetera' by Fr George Tyrrell S.J.
The Treasure Sought.
Quam bonum te quaerentibus.
"How good to those who look for Thee." Many seek His gifts and graces; few seek Himself, the Grace of graces. "What reward wilt thou have?" He asks of Aquinas. "None, but Thyself, Lord." Dilectus meus mihi et ego illi - "My beloved is mine and I am His." He has promised that none shall seek vainly Him who came to seek and to save them. Quaerite et invenietis - "Seek and ye shall find." But how? "If with all your hearts ye seek Me, ye shall surely find Me;" i.e. if we seek Him as the necessary and all-sufficient Good; or as the Magi sought Him, not for their own sakes, but for His; not to get, but to give; not to be honoured by Him, but to adore Him. Quam bonus! How good to the half-fearful disciples who followed Him shyly, when He turned round to encourage them: "What seek ye?" "Master," they say, "where dwellest Thou?" It was He they sought. Venite et videte - "Come and see;" and they abode with Him that day. How good to her that sought His Sacred Body in the early morning before it was yet day, for "they that seek Him early shall find Him." "Women, why weepest thou, whom seekest thou?" "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him." "Maria!" "Rabboni." Quam bonus te quaerentibus.
From Nova et Vetera, Informal Meditations, by Fr George Tyrrell, S.J. 4th Edition, published by Longmans, Green, and Co. 1905.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
A Spiritual Bouquet for Pope Francis
The Latin Mass Society is gathering together a Spiritual Bouquet for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis I.
We are asking you, our members, supporters and friends, to help us with this.
We are encouraging everyone to ask priests that they know to celebrate Masses in the Extraordinary Form for the new Pope, that he may receive the graces necessary to fulfil the duties of his new office (you should pay the priest a stipend for this - suggested minimum offering £10). We are also asking you to offer up rosaries and other prayers and devotions for the Pope. In particular, offer up your Communion for the Pope.
The Pope has asked for our prayers to help him in his new office. Let us respond generously to his call. As Catholics, the Church has always asked us to pray, in charity, for others, living and dead, but one of the people She has always specifically requested the faithful to pray for is the Pope. This is a good and holy Catholic tradition. Let us live up to that tradition. Offer a priest that you know a stipend to celebrate a Traditional Mass for the Pope, or offer your daily rosary for Pope Francis, or add him to your intentions in your daily prayers, or offer a novena for him. The choice is up to you.
Once you have done this, or decided that you will do this, email or write to us at the LMS to tell us how many Masses, Communions, Rosaries or other prayers and devotions you have offered, or will offer, for Pope Francis. Please let us know as soon as possible. In fact, why not do it today?
These will then be gathered together and presented to the Holy Father on behalf of the Latin Mass Society and its supporters and friends. You don't have to be an LMS member to take part in this spiritual initiative.
Email us at info@lms.org.uk
Write to us at: LMS, 11-13 Macklin Street, London WC2B 5NH
We are asking you, our members, supporters and friends, to help us with this.
We are encouraging everyone to ask priests that they know to celebrate Masses in the Extraordinary Form for the new Pope, that he may receive the graces necessary to fulfil the duties of his new office (you should pay the priest a stipend for this - suggested minimum offering £10). We are also asking you to offer up rosaries and other prayers and devotions for the Pope. In particular, offer up your Communion for the Pope.
The Pope has asked for our prayers to help him in his new office. Let us respond generously to his call. As Catholics, the Church has always asked us to pray, in charity, for others, living and dead, but one of the people She has always specifically requested the faithful to pray for is the Pope. This is a good and holy Catholic tradition. Let us live up to that tradition. Offer a priest that you know a stipend to celebrate a Traditional Mass for the Pope, or offer your daily rosary for Pope Francis, or add him to your intentions in your daily prayers, or offer a novena for him. The choice is up to you.
Once you have done this, or decided that you will do this, email or write to us at the LMS to tell us how many Masses, Communions, Rosaries or other prayers and devotions you have offered, or will offer, for Pope Francis. Please let us know as soon as possible. In fact, why not do it today?
These will then be gathered together and presented to the Holy Father on behalf of the Latin Mass Society and its supporters and friends. You don't have to be an LMS member to take part in this spiritual initiative.
Email us at info@lms.org.uk
Write to us at: LMS, 11-13 Macklin Street, London WC2B 5NH
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Announcement - Sodality of St Augustine of Hippo
The purpose of the Sodality is to unite the prayers of members for the conversion of those dear to them. There can be few Catholics today who do not have family members or close friends who have either lapsed from the practice of the Faith, or never had it; it is a particular source of grief when parents see children and grandchildren living without the support of the Sacraments. We take heart from the example of St Augustine, converted at last by the prayers and tears of his mother St Monica, and wish to demonstrate our fellowship with others in the same position, by praying not only for our own dear ones, but for those of others who will do the same for ours.
Duties of Sodality Members
Sodality members undertake to say every day the prayer Pro devotis amicis, taken from the Roman Missal, for the Sodality’s intention; members who are priests undertake to say one Mass a month for this intention. The intention is the conversion or return to the Faith of family and friends of Sodality members. The intended beneficiaries of our prayers are not listed, except in the hearts of Sodality members. The Latin Mass Society, to which the Sodality is affiliated, will arrange and announce in advance at least one public, Traditional Sung (or Solemn) Mass for the Sodality’s intentions a year. Please note that the undertaking, by members, to pray for the conversion of others does not bind under pain of sin.
The Sodality Prayer
Deus, qui caritátis dona per grátiam Sancti Spíritus tuórum fidélium córdibus infudísti: da fámulis et famulábus tuis, pro quibus tuam deprecámur cleméntiam, salútem mentis et córporis; ut te tota virtúte díligent, et quae tibi plácita sunt, tota dilectióne perfíciant. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte ejúsdem Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saecula saeculórum. Amen.
O God, who, by the grace of the Holy Ghost, hast poured the gifts of charity in the hearts of thy faithful, grant to thy servants and handmaids, for whom we entreat thy mercy, health of mind and body; that they may love thee with all their strength and, by perfect love, may do what is pleasing to thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
For further information see the LMS website: http://www.lms.org.uk/resources/the-lms-sodality-of-st-augustine-of-hippo
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