This provides a similar service to the Novus Ordo based "Daily Gospel Online". Also worth being aware of is evangelizo.org which provides links not only to Per Ipsum and DGO, but to similar services for the Byzantine and other rites of the Church.
The traditional missal only uses a fairly small selection of readings from the Holy Scriptures, unlike the Novus Ordo which tries to do everything (except the parts which are expurgated). So it makes sense for those of us who are Traditionalist to familiarize ourselves, thoroughly, with at least those parts of the Bible that have been selected for the Missal. Having them delivered daily to our inbox is one way of helping with this.
It would be nice to have also a daily Patristic reading, relevant to the feast, perhaps picked from the Breviary. The Breviary readings can be found at breviary.net or divinumofficium.com
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