In medio Ecclesiae aperuit os ejus: et implevit eum Dominus spiritu sapientiae et intellectus: stolam gloriae induit eum. * Bonum est confiteri Domino: et psallere nomini tuo, Altissime.
In the midst of the Church the Lord opened his mouth: and He filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding: He clothed him with a robe of glory. * It is good to give praise to the Lord: and to sing to Thy name, O most High.
(Ecclesiasticus 15:5 and Psalm 91:2 from the Introit of Mass)
Deus, qui Ecclesiae tuae in exponendis sacris Scripturis beatum Hieronymum Confessorem tuum, Doctorem maximum providere dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus; ut, ejus suffragantibus meritis, quod ore simul et opere docuit, te adjuvante exercere valeamus.
O God, who for the expounding of Holy Scripture, didst raise up in Thy Church the great and holy doctor Jerome; grant, we beseech Thee, that, through his intercession and merits, we may put in practice what both by word and by work he has taught us.
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08341a.htm
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