Sacerdotes tui, Domine, induant justitiam, et sancti tui exsultent: propter David servum tuum, non avertas faciem Christi tui. * Memento, Domine, David et omnis mansuetudinis ejus.
Let Thy priests, O Lord, be clothed with justice, and let Thy saints rejoice: for thy servant David's sake, turn not away the face of Thy anointed. * O Lord, remember David and all his meekness.
(Psalm 131:9-10,1 from the Introit of Mass)
Deus, qui beatum Dunstanum Pontificem tuum ad regna transtulisti caelestia: da nobis per gloriosa ejus merita ad gaudia transire perennia.
O God, who didst transfer blessed Dunstan thy Confessor and Bishop to the heavenly realms: grant that by his glorious merits, we also may pass to the joys that never end.
(Collect at Mass).
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia on St Dunstan: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05199a.htm
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